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 1. Sound Medicine  07-12-09: Evidence-Based Medicine in Women's Health   
 2. Kent Bottles, MD and Paul Keckley, PhD  Evidence-Based Medicine with Paul H. Keckley,PhD and Exec. Director of The Vanderbilt Center for Evidence-Based Medicine  The Journal of Medical Practice Management 
 3. Doctor's Digest  Evidence-Based Databases  EBM Part 3 
 4. Editorial Team  Evidence-Based Management  6110 
 5. bkelly@ccsf.edu  week one - health and medicine  Chinese Medicine 
 6. BBC Schools GCSE Bitesize  Women in medicine through time  GCSE Bitesize History 
 7. Leigh Ann Caldwell  McCain Unveils Market-Based Health Plan   
 8. Robert Golden, MD  WARM's Role in the Transformation of the UW School of Medicine and Public Health  HSLC Lecture Capture 
 9. Jack Clark  125-Yet More Evidence That Right-Wing Health Care Policies Are Deadly / Progressive Victories: Economic Justice For Farmworkers!  Blast The Right 
 10. Professor Mark Oakley Browne - In a lifetime: A review of the New Zealand Mental Health Survey and World Mental Health Survey initiative estimates of the lifetime prevalence of mental disorders and he  Dean's Public Lectures 2007 - Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences  In a lifetime: A review of the New Zealand Mental Health Survey and World Mental Health Survey initiative estimates of the lifetime prevalence of mental disorders and health service use 
 11. David Mandelkern, Peter Pronovost, MD, Reed Tuckson, Susan Penfield  What’s Next in Health Care Delivery? Minute Clinics, Concierge Medicine, and Electronic Second Opinions  2007 Aspen Ideas Festival: Global Health 
 12. Rod Andrew Oration 2007, Dr Norman Swan - Survival of the Fittest,Survival of the Thinnest or Survival of the Richest? What role for doctors in longevity?  Dean's Public Lectures 2007 - Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences  Survival of the Fittest, Survival of the Thinnest or Survival of the Richest? What role for doctors in longevity? 
 13. Professor Patrick Sexton - The Evolving Complexity of Family B G Protein-coupled Receptor Function  Dean’s Public Lectures 2007 Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences  The Evolving Complexity of Family B G Protein-coupled Receptor Function 
 14. Professor Elizabeth Blackburn - Telomeres and telomerase in human health and disease  Dean's Public Lectures 2007 - Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences  Telomeres and telomerase in human health and disease 
 15. Partnership for After School Education (PASE)  Dr. Ken Peak, Director of Adolescent Health Services, Mount Sinai School of Medicine  Partners In Healing Forum 
 16. Partnership for After School Education (PASE)  Dr. Ken Peak, Director of Adolescent Health Services, Mount Sinai School of Medicine  Partners In Healing Forum 
 17. Institute of Psychiatry  Are men bad for women's mental health  Maudsley Debates 
 18. Kent Bottles and John Ritch  The Business Case for Complementary Medicine Services with John Ritch, Ex. Dir. The Wege Institute for Health and Learning  The Journal of Medical Practice Management 
 19. Timothy R. B. Johnson  Women's Health: Domestic and Global, An Activist's View  Gender Across the Disciplines Lecture 
 20. Faith Middleton  The latest on women's health; The new memoir, Black Girl Next Door  The Faith Middleton Show - Podcast 
 21. Amber Rhea and Rusty Tanton  Interview: Bianca Frisby, Feminist Women's Health Center  Mostly ITP 
 22. Amber Rhea and Rusty Tanton  Interview: Bianca Frisby, Feminist Women's Health Center  Mostly ITP 
 23. Nicolette Hart  Women's Health and Welfare States: A Comparative Study of Western Europe  CEES Faculty Lecture Series 2007-2008 
 24. Mark Century Corporation  For Women Only: Food #1 and #4/Health #1 and #2/Household #4 and #5/Budget #3 and #5/Beauty and Fashion #2 and #3/Child Care #3 and #5  For Women Only (Mark Century Corporation NAB-1963) 
 25. Mark Century Corporation  For Women Only: Food #1 and #4/Health #1 and #2/Household #4 and #5/Budget #3 and #5/Beauty and Fashion #2 and #3/Child Care #3 and #5  For Women Only 
 26. Mark Century Corporation  For Women Only: Food #1 and #4/Health #1 and #2/Household #4 and #5/Budget #3 and #5/Beauty and Fashion #2 and #3/Child Care #3 and #5  For Women Only (Mark Century Corporation NAB-1963) 
 27. Program narration:Denise Manzari~Segment producers:Melinda Tuhus~Executive Producer:Scott Harris~Music:Mikata  BETWEEN THE LINES Health Care Reform Debate Dr. Andy Coates, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry at Albany Medical College Producer: Scott Harris   
 28. Hans Rosling, Nils Daulaire, Andy Haines, James Hospedales, Ariella Bock, Cherie Carter, Khizer Husain  WASHINGTON—International Global Health Conference Identifies Priorities For Poor Communities; Gates Award Endorses London School Of Hygiene And Tropical Medicine  London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Audio News 
 29. Galen Smith  Naturalism, a Science-based Alternative to Faith-based Religions  Humanist Union of Madison 
 30. Program narration:Denise Manzari~Segment producers:Melinda Tuhus~Executive Producer:Scott Harris~Music:Mikata  BETWEEN THE LINES Terry O'Neill, President of NOW, National Organization for Women Anti-Abortion Provisions in House and Senate Health Care Reform Bills Produced by Scott Harris   
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